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Family Respite Services
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240 First St E, Suite 200
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 1K5
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 1K5
Short Description
- Offers families a respite period from the daily care of children with developmental disabilities
- Provides qualified relief workers trained in First Aid and CPR as well as specific needs of the child
- Allows family to choose worker and to train them on specific needs of their family member
- Offers flexibility of respite location, in family home, worker's home or planned activities
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Community Support Services
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Office: 807-274-1386 Ext 6
426 Victoria Ave
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 2C3
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 2C3
Short Description
Operates as a program under the Healing and Wellness Branch
- Provides information, advocacy and support to assist individuals to remain in their homes as long as possible
- Acts as respite for informal caregivers such as extended family
- Caregiver support
- Case management
- Friendly visiting
- Service arrangement and coordination
- Transportation for medical appointments within Fort Frances and/or assistance with medical appointment arrangements
- Visiting for social and safety reasons, either in person or on the phone
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Home and Community Care
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Office: 807-274-8561
110 Victoria Ave
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 2B7
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 2B7
Short Description
Access to health care support at home or in the community
- Assists clients to plan and make informed choices about managing their health care needs or those of someone they care for
- Coordinates information about other services available within the community and links them with these services when appropriate
- Determines access to health care services provided in the home
- Determines admission to Long Term Care Facilities (homes for the aged, nursing homes)
- Determines access to health support services provided in schools for children with special needs
- Maintains an ongoing waiting list
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Adult Day Program
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Office: 807-274-2244
550 Osborne St
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3T2
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3T2
Short Description
- Provides a day program for adults with Alzheimer's Disease, other progressive cognitive disorders and others who may be frail and over 65 years of age
- Provides respite and support for caregivers
Supports include:
- Home cooked meal
- Light personal support and minor health care services, such as medication monitoring
- Recreational and physical activities
- Social engagement
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Assisted Living Program
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Office: 807-274-2244
550 Osborne St
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3T2
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3T2
Short Description
- Provides assisted living services to enable seniors to live independently in their own home
- Provides overnight security through the use of the Lifeline Personal Response program (Lifeline is installed in a client's home to enable them to obtain 24-hour emergency assistance)
Offers the following services based upon the development of an individualized care plan:
- Assistance with light housekeeping and laundry
- Light meal preparation
- Personal care
- Medication reminders and monitoring
- Arranging and attending appointments for medical and other services
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Community Health Program
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Office: 807-274-2042
540 King's Hwy, Rainy Lake Plaza
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3M9
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3M9
Short Description
Provides community health services in the following areas:
- Communicable disease emergencies
- Harm reduction strategies such as safe needle use and education about Naloxone kits
- Health education and support including smoking cessation, healthy eating and physical activity
- Healthy pregnancy, child development and nutrition
- Immunizations
- Outbreak management
- Surveillance
- Tuberculosis
- Provides up to 4 litres of milk per week for eligible community members
- Strives to improve the health of pregnant women and young children
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Home Health Services
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Office: 807-274-3151
505 McIrvine Rd, Unit 201
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3X7
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3X7
Short Description
Provides a variety of in-home health care services
Home Support
Home Support
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Alzheimer's and dementia care
- Companion Aide
- Homemaking
- Palliative Care
- Personal Care
- Respite Care
- Chronic disease management
- Foot care
- Palliative Care
- Post hospitalization care
- Post hospitalization intravenous care
- Wound Care
- Senior wellness checks
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Home and Community Care Program
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Office: 807-274-2042
1460 Idylwild Dr
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3M9
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3M9
Short Description
Provides health care services for ill, injured or elderly community members in their own homes
Provides the following services through a Case Manager/Nurses, Personal Support Workers and Homemakers:
Provides the following services through a Case Manager/Nurses, Personal Support Workers and Homemakers:
- Assessment to determine individuals health history and develop a personalized care plan
- Case management to ensure that care plans are being carried out and that the plan developed is still suitable
- Service coordination with other agencies if required
- Home care nursing duties
- Access to medical supplies and equipment
- Personal care help with activities such as dressing, toileting, eating, mobility and bathing
- Teaching the individual in need to care for themselves
- Home support with light housekeeping, laundry and meal preparation
- Respite for family members and caregivers
- Help with light outdoor/yardwork including lawn mowing and wood chopping
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Home Support Services - Emo
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Office: 807-274-2244
260 Front St
Emo, ON, P0W 1E0
Emo, ON, P0W 1E0
Short Description
- Provides assistance with light indoor housework and laundry
- Aids with meal preparation
- Assists with personal care
- Provides minor household repairs
- Offers respite care for any reason
- Assists clients with arrangements for rental contract and installation of lifeline equipment
- Equipment enables clients to obtain 24 hour emergency assistance
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Adult Day Program
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Office: 807-274-2244
260 Front St
Emo, ON, P0W 1E0
Emo, ON, P0W 1E0
Short Description
- Provides a day program for adults with Alzheimer's Disease, other progressive cognitive disorders and others who may be frail and over 65 years of age
- Provides respite and support for caregivers
Supports include:
- Home cooked meal
- Light personal support and minor health care services, such as medication monitoring
- Recreational and physical activities
- Social engagement
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Homemakers Program
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Office: 807-482-2479
6 Manitou Rapids Dr
Emo, ON, P0W 1E0
Emo, ON, P0W 1E0
Short Description
- Assists individuals and families in their residence with routine household activities such as light housekeeping, laundry, shopping, meal preparation and personal care
- Provides household support for heavy and seasonal housecleaning
- Acts as respite for caregivers
- Provides short-term loan of mobility aids such as walkers and raised toilet seats
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Long Term Care Program
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Office: 807-599-2224
37 Riverside Rd W
Seine River First Nation, ON, P0W 1H0
Seine River First Nation, ON, P0W 1H0
Short Description
Provides information, advocacy and support to assist individuals who are living alone to remain in their homes as long as possible
- Offers services of Home Makers for assistance with indoor chores and Home Support staff for assistance with outdoor work
- Assists elders and families that have members with disabilities in their residence with routine household activities such as light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation and personal care
- Provides assistance with heavy and seasonal housecleaning, gathering firewood and water and winter shovelling or other yardwork and small home repairs
- Provides return transportation for medical appointments in Fort Frances
- Acts as a social support for isolated or ill individuals
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Home and Community Care
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Office: 807-852-3955
113 4th St
Dawson, ON, P0W 1L0
Dawson, ON, P0W 1L0
Short Description
Access to health care support at home or in the community
- Assists clients to plan and make informed choices about managing their health care needs or those of someone they care for
- Coordinates information about other services available within the community and links them with these services when appropriate
- Determines access to health care services provided in the home
- Determines admission to Long Term Care Facilities (homes for the aged, nursing homes)
- Determines access to health support services provided in schools for children with special needs
- Maintains an ongoing waiting list
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Adult Day Program
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Office: 274-2244
113 Fourth St
Rainy River, ON, P0W 1L0
Rainy River, ON, P0W 1L0
Short Description
- Provides a day program for adults with Alzheimer's Disease, other progressive cognitive disorders and others who may be frail and over 65 years of age
- Provides respite and support for caregivers
Supports include:
- Home cooked meal
- Light personal support and minor health care services, such as medication monitoring
- Recreational and physical activities
- Social engagement
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Home Care Program
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Office: 807-226-1026
Netaawgonebiik Health Services, 1801 Pawitik St
Naotkamegwanning/Whitefish Bay First Nation, ON, P0X 1L0
Naotkamegwanning/Whitefish Bay First Nation, ON, P0X 1L0
Short Description
Provides health care services for ill, injured or elderly community members in their own homes and living at the Mino' Giizhigad Elders Centre
Provides the following services through personal support workers, homemakers and home support worker:
Provides the following services through personal support workers, homemakers and home support worker:
- Assessment to determine individuals health history and develop a personalized care plan
- Case management to ensure that care plans are being carried out and that the plan developed is still suitable
- Home care nursing duties
- Personal care help with activities such as dressing and bathing
- Basic or advanced practice foot care
- Teaching the individual in need to care for themselves
- Home support with light housekeeping, laundry and meal preparation
- Respite for family members and caregivers
- Help with light outdoor/yardwork
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Home Care Program
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Office: 807-755-1157
122 Aspen Ave
Eagle Lake First Nation, ON, P0V 3H0
Eagle Lake First Nation, ON, P0V 3H0
Short Description
Provides health care services for ill, injured or elderly community members in their own homes
Provides the following services through a registered nurse, personal support workers and a home maintenance worker:
Provides the following services through a registered nurse, personal support workers and a home maintenance worker:
- Assessment to determine individuals health history and develop a personalized care plan
- Case management to ensure that care plans are being carried out and that the plan developed is still suitable
- Home care nursing duties
- Personal care help with activities such as dressing and bathing
- Basic or advanced practice foot care
- Teaching the individual in need to care for themselves
- Home support with light housekeeping, laundry and meal preparation
- Respite for family members and caregivers
- Help with light outdoor/yardwork
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Respite Services
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Office: 807-597-2259
114 Gorrie St, Administration Building
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Short Description
- Provides families with temporary relief from the physical and emotional demands involved in caring for a family member who has a disability
- Respite can be provided for a few hours, a day, weekend or a week on an occasional or a regular basis
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Aging At Home Program
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Office: 807-597-6465
100 Main St E
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Short Description
Operates as a program under the Healing and Wellness Branch
- Provides supports for Indigenous seniors to remain in their own homes as long as possible
- Aims to improve the quality of life of community seniors and to help reduce the stress felt by the family and caregivers
- Provides education and information related to health and well-being
- Acts as a resource and respite for family members who are caring for an elderly loved one
- Preparing a bath
- Contracted services for lawn care and snow removal
- Light housekeeping
- Laundry
- Meal preparation
- Transportation for running errands such as medical appointments, bank and grocery store
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Adult Day Program
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Office: 807-597-6001
418 Steerola St, Apt 204, Fotheringham Court Apartment Complex
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Short Description
- Provides a day program for adults with Alzheimer's Disease, other progressive cognitive disorders and others who may be frail and over 65 years of age
- Provides respite and support for caregivers
Supports include:
- Home cooked meal
- Light personal support and minor health care services, such as medication monitoring
- Recreational and physical activities
- Social engagement
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Assisted Living Program
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Office: 807-597-6001
418 Steerola St, Apt 204, Fotheringham Court Apartment Complex
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Short Description
- Provides assisted living services to enable seniors to live independently in their own home
- Provides overnight security through the use of the Lifeline Personal Response program (Lifeline is installed in a client's home to enable them to obtain 24-hour emergency assistance)
Offers the following services based upon the development of an individualized care plan:
- Assistance with light housekeeping and laundry
- Light meal preparation
- Personal care
- Medication reminders and monitoring
- Arranging and attending appointments for medical and other services
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Homemakers Program
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Office: 807-876-1660
100 Balsam Rd, Ginoogaming Training Centre
Ginoogaming First Nation, ON, P0T 2A0
Ginoogaming First Nation, ON, P0T 2A0
Short Description
- Provides information, advocacy and support to assist elders to remain in their homes as long as possible
- Provides assistance with household chores, light housekeeping, gathering wood and water and needs in the home as they arise
- Provides accompaniment and return transportation for medical appointments and shopping in Longlac or out-of-town trips
- Acts as respite for informal caregivers such as extended family
- Acts as a social support for isolated or ill individuals
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In Patient Care
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Office: 807-597-4215
120 Dorothy St
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Short Description
- Provides active beds utilized for general medical and surgical patients
- Offers cardiac care
- Provides palliative care
- Offers assistance for rehabilitation patients
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Home and Community Care
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Office: 807-597-2159
120 Dorothy St
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Atikokan, ON, P0T 1C0
Short Description
Access to health care support at home or in the community
- Assists clients to plan and make informed choices about managing their health care needs or those of someone they care for
- Coordinates information about other services available within the community and links them with these services when appropriate
- Determines access to health care services provided in the home
- Determines admission to Long Term Care Facilities (homes for the aged, nursing homes)
- Determines access to health support services provided in schools for children with special needs
- Maintains an ongoing waiting list
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Specialized Respite Services
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Office: 807-223-5995
53 Arthur St
Dryden, ON, P8N 1J7
Dryden, ON, P8N 1J7
Short Description
- Provides a fee-for-service program for children and youth
- Offers respite services to families and foster caregivers involved with Child and Family Services
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Community Support Services
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Office: 807-223-4535
34B King St
Dryden, ON, P8N 1B3
Dryden, ON, P8N 1B3
Short Description
Operates as a program under the Healing and Wellness Branch
- Provides information, advocacy and support to assist frail, vulnerable and at-risk elderly adults and individuals with care needs to remain in their homes as long as possible
- Acts as respite for informal caregivers such as extended family
- Caregiver support
- Case management
- Friendly visiting
- Service arrangement and coordination
- Transportation for medical appointments within Dryden and/or assistance with medical appointment arrangements
- Visiting for social and safety reasons, either in person or on the phone
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