Searching for Victims Of Abuse Support Programs
Located near Elliot Lake
Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 1Y5
Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Services include:
- information about victims' rights, the criminal justice process and their specific case (e.g., court dates)
- needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
- crisis intervention, emotional support, victim advocacy
- facilitates victim's input and liaises with Crown Attorneys, police, regarding bail, safety, resolution of charges, release conditions, publication bans, testimonial aids, trial preparation and court orientation
- information and support on Victim Impact Statements, Statement on Restitution
- facilitates access to court orders, such as bail conditions, probation orders, peace bonds
- debriefing and follow-up support
Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund (VVFF) -- Helps support victims of violent crime, families of homicide victims and families of motor vehicle fatalities participate more fully in the criminal court process by providing financial assistance and court-based supports for:
- travel to attend key court dates
- language interpretation services
- special accommodations for victims with disabilities, such as real-time captioning
- basic necessities for victims of human trafficking or gun and gang violence while attending for court
Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 1Y9
- Provides free legal advice and assistance to low income earners
- Offers representation in a court or at a tribunal, such as the Social Benefits Tribunal or the Landlord and Tenant Board
- Assists with preparing documents, such as an application to the Landlord and Tenant Board
Services are offered in the following areas:
- Consumer and Credit/Debt issues
- Employment Insurance (EI)
- Employment standards (ESA)
- Old Age Security (OAS)
- Health and disability
- Housing law for tenants
- Human rights
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Ontario Works (OW)
- Wills and Power of Attorney (POA)
- Completing forms or advocating for seniors
Note: No representation is given regarding Family Law, Criminal Law, Immigration or Refugee Law
Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 2A7
Offers a range of services, including:
- Fem'aide, 24-hour crisis line
- Individual counseling
- Support groups
- Referral to community agencies and services
- Accompaniment to appointments and various meetings
- Public education and awareness campaigns
Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 2T1
- Provides advocacy and support to women who have been victims of emotional, physical, sexual, verbal, and/or financial abuse
- Offers individual and group counselling
- Community lectures
- Creating Connections
- PAR (Partner Assault Response) program for men
- Partner contact (PAR component for women)
Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 2T1
- Provides advocacy and support to women survivors who have experienced sexual abuse and/or assault
- Offers individual and group counselling services to victims of assault
- Promotes healing and wellness in survivors
Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 2T1
- Provides confidential crisis intervention services either by phone or in person at an agreed upon location, such as home, school, or a shelter
- Attends on-site crisis calls with the police as part of the Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team when deemed appropriate to provide brief solution counselling and advocacy
- Offers telephone and office follow-up for ongoing support, advocacy and forensic case management
- Works in partnership with Sault Area Hospital
Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 2T1
Acts as a satellite office, providing community based counselling services by appointment only to individuals in Blind River
Offers the following programs:
- Addiction and Gambling Services for youth, adults and seniors
- Crisis Response Service
- Female Sexual Abuse/Sexual Assault Program
- General Counselling Program
- Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
- Partner Assault Response Program
- Violence Against Women Support Services
- Promotes awareness and education on the issue of impaired driving
- Supports victims of impaired driving
- Coordinates annual campaigns such as Project Red Ribbon and Campaign 911
Mississauga First Nation, ON, P0R 1B0
- Provides public education workshops and seminars to raise awareness about the issues and impacts of violence against women and children
- Gratefully accepts donations of money, furniture, lightly used clothing or any household items or appliances
Services provided include:
- 24-hour crisis line
- Advocacy
- Child Support Worker
- Counselling support
- Court accompaniment and referrals
- Emergency transportation
- Referral to community services
- Transition and safety planning
Transitional Support Services include:
- Counselling
- Educational upgrading
- Health and wellness services
- Housing
- Income support
- Job training
- Legal assistance/legal aid
- Parental support
Gore Bay, ON, P0P 1H0
Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Services include:
- information about victims' rights, the criminal justice process and their specific case (e.g., court dates)
- needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
- crisis intervention, emotional support, victim advocacy
- facilitates victim's input and liaises with Crown Attorneys, police, regarding bail, safety, resolution of charges, release conditions, publication bans, testimonial aids, trial preparation and court orientation
- information and support on Victim Impact Statements, Statement on Restitution
- facilitates access to court orders, such as bail conditions, probation orders, peace bonds
- debriefing and follow-up support
Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund (VVFF) -- Helps support victims of violent crime, families of homicide victims and families of motor vehicle fatalities participate more fully in the criminal court process by providing financial assistance and court-based supports for:
- travel to attend key court dates
- language interpretation services
- special accommodations for victims with disabilities, such as real-time captioning
- basic necessities for victims of human trafficking or gun and gang violence while attending for court
Northeastern Manitoulin And The Islands, ON, P0P 1K0
Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention and crisis intervention
- needs assessment
- safety planning
- referrals to community services
- enhanced support for vulnerable victims
- assistance with applications to VQRP+
Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) -- assistance with emergency expenses related to the eligible incident, may include home safety, accommodation, meals, transportation, basic necessities, dependent care costs, counselling, traditional Indigenous health services, cellular phones, vision care, dental care, aids for victims with disabilities, interpretation services, crime scene cleanup, government/medical documents and funeral expenses
- Additional assistance for victims of human trafficking includes storage locker, tattoo removal and treatment at a recovery facility
- No direct reimbursements are made to victims for the supports listed above
- Financial support is also available for victims who sustained serious physical injuries during a crime and for parents of homicide victims and spouses of homicide victims
M'Chigeeng, ON, P0P 1G0
- Offers culturally appropriate alternatives upon sentencing before a conviction is entered
- Provides an opportunity for the community member to enter into a mutually agreed Healing Plan which will be taken into consideration upon sentencing
- Elders, band officials, victims and community service providers may assist the community member during the Council process
- Facilitates mediation between the victim and offender to allow each party to be seen, heard and believed in order to repair the harm done to the community
- Attending cultural events, such as ceremony
- Some form of restitution
- Community service hours
- Counselling and/or treatment
- Provides group programming to children who have been exposed to violence against women in their homes
- Offers a closed group setting for children to help them understand what has happened, to talk about their fears, and to feel safe again
- Offers a concurrent program when possible, to mothers participating in the program as well
Provides women with access to:
- Advocacy
- Crisis management
- Safety planning
- Short term counselling
- Rights information
- Transitional support which includes help with housing, employment, financial aid, and court support
- Violence prevention strategies
- Promotes awareness and education on the issue of impaired driving
- Supports victims of impaired driving
- Coordinates annual campaigns such as Project Red Ribbon and Campaign 911
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1S8
- Provides free legal advice and assistance to low income earners
- Offers representation in a court or at a tribunal, such as the Social Benefits Tribunal or the Landlord and Tenant Board
- Assists with preparing documents, such as an application to the Landlord and Tenant Board
- Employment Insurance
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP and CPP Disability)
- Housing law for tenants and co-op members only
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Ontario Works (OW)
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1V8
- Provides a safe and welcoming space for all women, girls, trans and non-binary individuals who have been impacted by violence and/or difficult life circumstances
- Provides access to supports, resources and services that remove barriers and promote self-esteem
- Offers My Sister's Closet, providing used women's and children's clothing
- Peer Support Work
- Safety Plans
- Self Compassion Program
- Healthy Relationships and Boundaries for Women Program
- Collective Kitchen Program
- Sewing Circle
- Library and computers in Centre
- Domestic Abuse Workshops
- Employment Workshops
- Credit Counselling
- Groceries and Basic Needs (delivery and gift card pick up -- funding dependent)
- Healing and Empowerment Support Group
- Supporting Our Sisters (SOS) Northern Ontario Anti-Human Trafficking Alliance
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1V3
- Provides restorative justice dispute resolution services to resolve the effects of crime and conflict
- Facilitates public education presentations upon request
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1V3
Services include:
- Legal representation for eligible clients who appear in court without a lawyer
- Legal aid applications and information over the phone
- Legal resources and referrals to other social assistance agencies
- A certificate program for complex and serious cases
- Criminal
- Domestic violence
- Family
- Wrongful dismissal
- Change of name
- Personal bankruptcy
- Power of attorney
- Money lent to others or money owed to others
- Sponsorship of relatives
- Commercial litigation
- Real estate matters and libel
- Defamation and slander
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1X5
- Individual counselling and referrals to other resources
- Library Services for inmates
- Community Education through displays, discussions
- Guest speakers to speak on various topics
- Visits people at the local jail in response to requests
- Advocates with legal aid and involvement with the family
- Meets with inmates, at their request, to develop an individual plan of action that can be followed upon release
- Develops a plan based on individual need and may involve networking and collaborating with service providers to assure assistance to clients
- Provides follow-up and support once released
- Provides an option to jail sentences and can be a condition of a probation order for adult and youth offenders
- Works a specific number of hours of community service work
- Focuses on assistance for seniors, non-profit organizations, and physically challenged persons
- Facilitates reconciliation between victim and offender where both parties are willing to undergo a group conference to discuss the offence, the effects of the offence on the victim and appropriate consequences for the offender
- Determines the most appropriate consequences with the alleged young offender, parent(s)/caregiver(s), John Howard Society and the police
- Teaches people to use appropriate thoughts and actions to express anger
- Teaches skills to help understand themselves and how to identify and express their anger appropriately
- Provides community based post charge sanctions for youth, outside of formal judicial proceedings, where a young person cannot be adequately dealt with by police cautions, warnings or referrals to community support programs
- Provides music lessons to youth who are at risk of conflict with the law or who do not have the opportunity to play a musical instrument and who want to learn music and join a band
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1N2
- Supports families by facilitating connections with culturally appropriate referrals and supports
- Facilitates the gathering of case-specific information about police investigations, coroner's reports/reviews, court proceedings or other government processes and provides information to family
- Family Information Liaison Unit (FILU) staff members are of Indigenous ancestry, knowledgeable, culturally competent and responsive to the needs of the family members they serve
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1T9
- Gives immediate legal assistance to individuals who appear in court without a lawyer
- Provides information about legal rights, obligation and the court process
- Provides assistance in the courtroom for bail hearings and sentencing
- Assists with diversions, guilty pleas and sentencing
- Helps determines if further duty counsel services are required or if the matter requires Legal Aid Ontario's assistance in retaining a lawyer
- Mental health
- Drug treatment
- Domestic violence
- Aboriginal persons (Gladue) court
Greater Sudbury, ON, P3C 1X3
Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Services include:
- information about victims' rights, the criminal justice process and their specific case (e.g., court dates)
- needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
- crisis intervention, emotional support, victim advocacy
- facilitates victim's input and liaises with Crown Attorneys, police, regarding bail, safety, resolution of charges, release conditions, publication bans, testimonial aids, trial preparation and court orientation
- information and support on Victim Impact Statements, Statement on Restitution
- facilitates access to court orders, such as bail conditions, probation orders, peace bonds
- debriefing and follow-up support
Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund (VVFF) -- Helps support victims of violent crime, families of homicide victims and families of motor vehicle fatalities participate more fully in the criminal court process by providing financial assistance and court-based supports for:
- travel to attend key court dates
- language interpretation services
- special accommodations for victims with disabilities, such as real-time captioning
- basic necessities for victims of human trafficking or gun and gang violence while attending for court
Sault Ste Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3
- Offers professional counselling and therapeutic services to women who have experienced any form of abuse (physical, verbal, emotional) in either past or present relationships, or who have witnessed abuse as children
- Provides counselling, support and education about healthy relationships, what abuse is and how it affects a person wholistically, developing safety plans and the impacts of abuse on children
Sault Ste Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3
Offers a variety of professional counselling services to youth, adults and their families
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Provides essential wokplace counselling and consultation services for businesses, organizations and employees through its EAP
- Functions as short-term counselling for a variety of issues including stress, life changes/stages, separation/divorce, retirement and grief
Counselling services also offered for areas of concern that may include but are not limited to:
- Drug and alcohol use/abuse and mental health
- Past or present abuse against women (Violence Against Women VAW)
- Sexual abuse or assault experienced by men (Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse)
- Domestic violence impacts on children and their mothers
- Abusive relationships between partners (Partner Assault Response PAR)